Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Unexpected Birding

Today I took the train to New York. Half way there the train broke down. As luck would have it, my seat on the train gave me a limited view of a bay and some wooded areas. I decided to bird while waiting for the train to be repaired. It took an hour or so, but at least I had a challenge ahead of me. Birding from a seat in a stopped train!

Although the number of species was limited, it was fun to see what I could find. Watching a crow chase a Bald Eagle was probably the highlight, but I also enjoyed watching Eastern Kingbirds feed on some bright red e berries.

Less than 10 species, but certainly a new experience. Grab it while you can.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Birding at Red Rocks

I was able to squeeze in a couple of hours just after sunrise to do a little birding at Red Rocks park near Denver. It was a nice break. Beautiful weather and gorgeous scenery. Only 17 species in the little time I had, but the birds were fun. Lots of scrub-jays, one big flock of Chipping and Lark Sparrows and two Prairie Falcons sitting in a dead snag, calling continually and a Sage Thrasher letting me watch him close up

Friday, July 27, 2012

White Morph of Great Blue

While driving to Deep Creek, the other day, I stopped at Big Pond, at Fort Fredrick to see the Great Blue Heron. But, not just any Big Blue! As you can see this is the much more unusual "white" morph....especially in Maryland. Not the greatest picture, but note the heavy, large bill. It was only ten yards from the trail.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Quick trip to Antelope Island

During a quick weekend trip to Utah I had a few extra hours and so I took a quick trip to Antelope island. It was amazing to see over 500 American Avocets with there cinnamon heads and up curved bills. I also saw 17 Chukars, the most I've ever seen at one time. All in all, a short, but nice break.